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The newly designed Human External Load Anchor (HELA) Rigs are built specifically for helicopter short haul HEC operations. The HELA Rigs now feature an integrated load sharing plate which allows for increased separation between short haulers and a more comfortable flight. The load plate also features an integrated anchor point for easily flying equipment at a much more manageable height as opposed to attaching directly to the ring.
Incorporating a new high performance, heavy-duty webbing allows the HELA RIGS to perform better on abrasion resistance testing and offers a high visibility red colored safety core indicating when webbing is structurally damaged. Webbing legs are covered in heavy-duty, coated nylon sheath for increased protection and reduced UV exposure. HELA Rigs are built to the standard ARS 10:1 safety margin and come in two industry specific versions. The Utility version is manufactured with forged steel hardware for increased durability while the Rescue version utilizes lightweight aluminum hardware and SOLAS grade reflective striping.
Key Features