Currently serving as a Utah National Guardsmen with the U.S. Army with over 18 years of service, I've been a Critical Care Flight Paramedic since the program's inception in 2013 and have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. I have provided advice and expertise as a Subject Matter Expert for Hoist Operations and MEDEVAC to various organizations like NGB and DES, to include assisting with investigations involving fatal hoist mishaps.
Within the Utah National Guard, I've assisted with multiple stateside hoist rescues being awarded Sikorsky Rescue Awards and assisted with other Domestic Operations including aerial water bucket missions for complex fires. For the past 9 years as an Instructor, I've developed, implemented, and trained crewmembers on Advanced Hoist Programs, Unique Sling Load Operations, and various Water Bucket Mission Sets.
Over the past 13 years, I have cross-trained with hundreds of different Military Units (from all branches and different countries), Search and Rescue organizations, Law Enforcement Departments, Hospitals, EMS Establishments, Fire Departments, CALFIRE, FEMA groups, Federal organizations and other various groups. All of this experience has given me a unique and driven opportunity to help train individuals with the main goal of saving lives. From years of operational experience, my main career objectives now are to "help people that help people". I consider myself extremely grateful for every opportunity I get to accomplish that.